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Snapshots of our life, not always exciting, but filled with lots of Duff!

Friday, October 16, 2009

New addition...

Calli is off the hook, and if the saying "All's well that ends well" is true, then she is more than good. Her Car Crash (see previous blog) has come full circle as I now have a "new to me" car. BIG Thanks to Ellie for the use of her car while we were in vehicular transition. All said and done we went from a '99 to a '00, and 150k to 95k miles, the best part is no additional car payment!
I will miss the Mitsubishi, it was the first car we bought from a dealership and financed on our own, and was the "Family Car" for many years. It still had a faint red tint through the crease of the back seat where a sippie cup full of koolaid had seaped through the upholstery, and the dent by the back window where the basketball hoop fell on it--and the front hood where again the basketball hoop fell on it (duh!) The automatic lock on the drivers side had stopped working years ago, and when it rained the front end made a horrible creaking noise from some bad struts (we never had it checked because the radio covered the creaking, and it didn't rain every day). The Mirage had character and memories; but my new car has a V6, no stains, and no dents--yet.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Like Mother Like Daughter....Go Big Red!!!

Third from the right...

Kendra is cheerleading again this year. She is captain on the varsity team. She had thought about playing basketball, but in the end Cheerleading is something she loves to do (just like her mommy).

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Back to School 2009

Kace, 5th Grade

Karter, 3rd Grade

Kendra, 7th Grade; Celina 9th Grade

Calli and I have become pro's at Back to School. However, this year was a little different as Celina started High School. I dropped her off for her first day, and have to admit that it was strange seeing her looking so grown up. Calli did her Back to School tradition of making the kids a special after school treat.

Bear Hunting

(Sunsetting on Bear Stand)

(the bait)

(Dave navigating the mud)
This spring I tagged along with Dave to his bait stand, hunting Black Bear. I learned a lot about sitting still and being quiet (not my best skills). I also learned that if you have any exposed skin the mosquitos will find it. I never did get to see a bear; however, the weekend I stayed home Dave did...and the Teriyaki Bear sticks were amazing!